Dark is the sunlight - Pentagram (Mezarkabul)

Dark is the sunlight, 
We spent the "Light" together,
Dark is the sunlight,
Or I am "Blind" forever..

Pentagram (aka Mezarkabul)

Pentagram (Mezarkabul abroad) is a famous Turkish metal band. Mezarkabul is known for integrating Anatolian elements into their music. Mezarkabul means "admittence to grave" in Turkish.

Mezarkabul was formed in 1986 and I was fifteen years old (a college years the age of just starting to judge the life, religion, soul and the love - 1999) when I met that group and listened to this song in their "Anatolia" album published in 1997. They have lots of beautiful albums, songs that have lots of effects, impressions on me since I met them. But "Dark is the sunlight" was the most special and important one. A song can not change anyone but sometimes a poem, a book, a story, or lyrics of a song, a song itself may whip you or help you in your journeys through the inner-world. Sometimes when you listen to a song, you say "that song is definatelly for me". And when I first listened to this song, I said exactly the same. Actually not just that song, surprisingly with that band and their all songs, I have philosophic parallelism.

"Dark is the sunlight" is a song with one of the most meaningfull and beautifull lyrics of the world. Or at least for me.. That is why I wanted to share it here. Also at all stories, poems I wrote, this song was one of the inspirations for me. Because it means alot for me. Thanks to the Pentagram for this song and many beautiful songs they shared with us.

And here is the video and the lyrics ;

Lyrics :

why revelations
why earth corruptions
why salvations
why eliminations

save by save
day by day
search for the reason
light by light
i slay my mind
there's no solution

dark is the sunlight
we cast the right together
dark is the sunlight
or i'm blind forever
dark is the sunlight
we spent the light together
dark is the sunlight
or i'im blind forever

why segrigations
why communications
why terminations

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