Bitcoin Lightning Network masternode setup and live-up with zero cost

Despite the expensive and slow transfer criticisms of Bitcoin Blockchain architecture for many years, the development teams have been a long way off, working on Lightning Network technology to improve this situation. Because it needed a radical step, Segwit or other hardforks could not be a solution. We were able to follow the transaction demo that the Lightning network developers performed on the test platform named Testnet, and recently we started to witness the birth of masternode (wallet-mediated servers) in the live system called Mainnet.

Due to the concept of Proof of Work in today's Bitcoin technology, it only generate income from miner transfers. Masternodes that own wallets do not have the same benefits as those of Proof of Stake crypto money systems, so masternode server does not have any other benefit than hosting its own wallet account. But things are different in Lightning Network technology because masternode owners will now get a certain commission rate from these transfers in Lightning Network transfers.

The Lightning Network technology is still very new and in practice the bitcoin architecture is not yet on this network, and it is a question that when it will get used, but it is both a new technology and a significant potential for further development so it is beneficial to open and maintain a Masternode server by evaluating free server hosting alternatives.  Maybe Lightning Network masternodes will be the new-miners of the Bitcoin world.

[ I did not have enough time to write this article in English, so I shared the one in my Turkish blog with the help of Google Translate, If you have any questions or parts you want me to fix, feel free to write me. ]

The amount of money needed to run a Dash Masternode on time did not exceed very low quantities, and now it has astronomical costs and earns significant revenue from Dash Masternode owners.

We will spend a little time and effort on the Masternode with zero hosting costs and only a few BTC investment (for use in our lightning network wallet). In this article I will tell you how to set up a masternode with little technical knowledge and some familiarity with Bitcoin world.

Let's not forget that; BitCoin technology may never settle on a lightning network, maybe it can take a very long time, or tomorrow the quantum proof of work technology will come up and the lightning network will burn into ashes. These, of course, are not likely, but  possible. Also, when the lightning network will be completely switched, there may be restrictions such as the  masternodes of the other Proof of Stake crypto money systems that requires loading at least 10,000, 100,000 bitcoin. However, we will still create a network in this network, considering the current situation. In this sense, it would be more logical for us to log in and watch the process without having to wait for a financial expense.

In this article, we will not talk about the working principle or benefits to the the Lightning Network system. We will talk about;

1-      Zero-cost cloud hosting system alternatives that can accommodate our  system as long as possible
2-      Server setup and how to connect to the server
3-      Installing our Lightning Network wallet and node applications
4-      Activating the Lightning Network master node and connecting to other nodes
5-      Lightning Network wallet account management issues will be covered
6-      And information about possible questions and problems will be shared.

Before Installation

We can install the Lightning Network node on Windows, Linux and MacOS operating systems. In this article we will be describing the installation via the Linux operating system. You can find useful articles on the internet for installation on Windows and MacOS. I selected Ubuntu Server 17.10 as the operating system, but I can install it on other Linux distributions as well. The installation steps will not make much difference in other Linux distributions. Since we do not need GUI packages and desktop interface, these packages will not be installed and we will handle all processes through the terminal console screen. We will also save system resources in this way.

If you ask why I chose Linux; it is a good enough reason for you to be able to support the Linux version more stable because of the development of the Linux systems on these systems and the support from many sources in case of problems.

Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (Life Time Support) can also be installed because it is more stable version, but I chose version 17.10 because it is both up to date and  I was curious about it.

Again, in this article we will go through cloud hosting virtual server solutions instead of hosting our node within our local computer or server because it means that you need to dedicate a device to this work as well as to take some of your internet quota apart and needs effort to keep the system up and running. Also, if you do not have SSD discipline, do not think of this alternative at all. We will download a blockchain database that is close to 175 GB and we need continuous and fast internet access because of continuous synchronization. You may have ideas like turning on your server at certain times, but I do not recommend installing it on your local machine because the Lightning Network is not very stable yet, and in some cases it is really hard to fix the system again.

A system with a static IP address with 1 Vcpu on Linux, 3-4 GB Ram, 25 GB SSD (operating system), and 200 GB SSD (for Blockchain and Lightning Node files) will work. Depending on the situation, we may need to increase the disk space in the future.

1. Providing Cloud Hosting

First, we need to configure and configure the server to work with the node. There are many alternatives available on the internet for this; Such as Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, Microsoft Azure Cloud Amazon Cloud..vs.

Our priority will be to configure our server over the service provider, which will take us the longest without cost. We are not yet able to figure out what the Lightning Network is going to go and how much it will cost, and we will see in the coming months that if it is an investment that will earn enough to cover investment costs or not. 

Here are the alternatives that offer free credits, whichever you choose, it will ask for credit card information for verification and will shoot $ 1.

Suggestion To create a virtual credit card with a bunch of limit and to realize your membership with this virtual credit card and to get your virtual credit card passive after the membership process. This is because in case of the wrong processes you may do it will cause you extra money (like; take snapshot by mistake, take extra static ip, get extra disk space, free unauthorized automatic extension fee from you at the end of membership). 

Microsoft Azure: Free $ 200 credit, you can configure Ubuntu virtual server via Azure. I will not be able to comment so far as I have not configured Ubuntu over Azure. I have not had trouble with Windows server systems.

Amazon Cloud: One year free base features give you the ubuntu virtual server, but you need to purchase extra disk space for Lightning Network installation because the disk space provided is insufficient.
You can easily connect to your server via Putty by downloading and formatting the SSH key files via the administration console.

Free 1-year trial link:

Digital Ocean: If you have a choice to continue with the cost, DigitalOcean is at the forefront because we are able to connect conveniently with Putty, WinSCP to the Linux systems it hosts, experience and references in cloud hosting business as well as affordability. It is also possible to find many special discount coupons on the internet.

The only disadvantage of these installation steps is that you need to add extra disk space in the basic packages to install Lightning Network, add extra disk space, and format this disk on Linux because it offers disk space as an external disk instead of basic disk, you need to be careful to change it. I need some Linux knowledge to do this, and in this article I will simply refer to how to format this disk and install it.

1 vCPU, 2 GB RAM, 50 GB basic package and add 200 GB extra disk space.

$ 100 credit line for 60 days:

Google Cloud: The most important advantage is that it offers $ 300 credit. At the beginning of the article, you can create a machine with the basic features that I have shared, assign a static IP address and use it for 8-9 months free, then evaluate the decision to continue paid membership.

Google Cloud adds extra disk space directly to the base drive, we do not need to format or format any disks.

$ 300 free credit link:

I would like to state that all of these alternatives need quotas for the access bandwidth (downloading and uploading) and that they offer quotes of 1 TB, 2TB..vs at different costs in different packages, that the basic packages mentioned above are usually have 1 TB quota and  extras will be charged separately.
We also need to know that crypto money mining is prohibited in all these virtual hosting services. For now, there are no restrictions on masternode configuration in crypto currency blockchain masternodes, and we will see if there will be or not for hosting masternodes. It doesnt seem to be likely at this time because they do not use a high-volume processor, they do not come with a disk and bandwidth cost.

2. Cloud Hosting Setup
     2.1. DigitalOcean

Each virtual machine on the Digital Ocean is called Droplet. After logging in to Digital Ocean, after selecting Create> Droplet menu and selecting the corresponding Ubuntu x64 image, select 1 vCPU, 2 GB RAM, 50 GB basic package and add block storage, add volume You must add 200 GB of extra disk space.

It is a good idea to continue the Datacenter region with any option in the United States, you can create your virtual server with the Create button by entering Hostname (server name) without any other options.

Once you have your server, download the PuTTY software which will provide SSH connection from the terminal screen to your server at . Your e-mail address will be your server connection information (root account information). You will be saved in order to use your connection in the future by entering your information as in the screen display below, giving a link profile name to the Saved Session tab and clicking the save button. You can then re-use your connection information by selecting the profile and clicking load. If we do not use the terminal because of the keep alive parameter 180 on the Connection tab, it will transmit a keep alive message to the server for 180 seconds.

You will be connected with the Connect button, you will be logged in with the username root and your e-mail account password, you will be prompted for the new password to change the password on the first login. Digital Ocean also offers the option of connecting to a terminal application running on a browser other than Putty.

Since Digital Ocean will display an extra disk space on our system, we need to format it and introduce it in our system, and in Lightning node setups we have to create parameters according to this disk directory path.

Disk Formatting and Identification

First we need Linux parted tool, we load it with the following commands;

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install parted

We learn the disk name with the following command:

file / dev / disk / by-id / *

The disk name will have a name such as volume-nyc3-01 according to the location where the disco is located, this way on my system. Now we need to format and format this disk and we need to identify it, with the following commands, the disk will be a single partition without allocating extra partitions; volume-nyc3-01-part01. Follow these steps in order:

sudo parted / dev / disk / by-id / scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-nyc3-01 mklabel gpt

We are partitioning to cover the entire area:

sudo parted -a opt / dev / disk / by-id / scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-nyc3-01 mkpart primary 0% 100%
We format to Ext4 format:
sudo mkfs.ext4 / dev / disk / by-id / scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-nyc3-01-part1

We check that the definitions are correct:

sudo lsblk -fs

We define it to the operating system:

sudo mkdir / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1
sudo mount -o defaults, discard / dev / disk / by-id / scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-nyc3-01-part1 / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1

We are checking the definitions:

df -h -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs

We are entering definitions in the boot file:

sudo nano / etc / fstab
You will enter the following lines:
/ dev / disk / by-id / scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-nyc3-01-part1 / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 ext4 defaults, nofail, discard 0 2

Press CTRL and X keys to exit.

The screen should look like this:

Now that we have identified our disc, we can now enter our new disc with the command below.

cd / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 /

In lightning node's basic installations, we will always base on this directory, we will add this directory to our installation parameters.

2.2. Google Cloud

On the Google Cloud, each virtual machine is called VM Instance under the ComputeEngine tab. On Compute Engine, on the VM Instance tab, you can go to the server creation screen from the Create Instance link.

Creating a server with basic base features like the following will see our business. The important point here is to select the corresponding ubuntu disk image on the screen to be opened with the change option on the boot disk and change our disk space to 200 gb. The primary drive will also provide this disk space, so I do not need to identify or format the external drive. Google does not offer the SSD option in the basic option, we can choose SSD disc type from the screen that opens. We will continue with the basic disk type in order to increase the cost, although we will have serious contribution as speed, we will not choose SSD. Under the Firewall heading, let's also select Allow http \ Https traffic. It might be useful in the future, especially if features such as wallet management console come up. It is also important to create a static ip with static ip option under the network tab by clicking on management, disks, network, ssh on the server creation screen. Finally we will create our server with the Create button. The corresponding screenshots are below.

After creating our server, we can see our server under the VM Instances tab, we can connect to the terminal running on the Google 'ın browser in our server console with our Connect> SSH connection on the server row.

After you open the console, we need to use the following command to get root privileges:

sudo su or sudo -s

3. Lightning Network Installation Process

First of all, it is useful to say that these operations are not much different from the Bitcoin wallet or any blockchain wallet installation process. Only the node operations of the lightning node differentiate the situation.

In order to speed up the installation process we will use the lightning repo in dougvk's Github repository and we will be able to handle our operations in a very practical way by running it as a container on the docker platform.

Step 1. First of all, let's do the updates and install the docker.

Note: Please note that for all commands below, you need to do this by typing sudo su or sudo -s to root.

sudo -s
sudo apt-get update
wget -qO- | sh

Step 2. Download the Dougvk repo and run the bitcoin wallet core container, download the blockchain database.

git clone
cd lightning-node
docker build. -t dougvk / bitcoind
mkdir -p / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / bitcoind
docker run --name bitcoind_mainnet -d -v / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / bitcoind: / data -p 8333: 8333 -p 9735: 9735 dougvk / bitcoind: latest

Note: If you insert an extra disk in Digital Ocean , you should do the following for installation on the new disk, so that the external diskette files will be downloaded and configured.

git clone
cd lightning-node
mkdir -p / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / bitcoind
docker run --name bitcoind_mainnet -d -v / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / bitcoind: / data -p 8333: 8333 -p 9735: 9735 dougvk / bitcoind: latest

After running the last command, you may need to wait 6-7 days, download a file close to 175 GB, SSD li Digital Ocean node 4 days, SSD you 3 days on Google Cloud server, You can check it with the following commands without interrupting other steps by connecting to your server from time to time:

Auxiliary Commands To view discs with their dimensions:

df -h

To check the lightning node scratch by looking at the folder size:

du -h / scratch

To control the extra setup in Digital Ocean :

du -h / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 / scratch

Step 3. After you start the downloads, we can also perform the following configurations:

nano / usr / local / bin / bitcoin-cli
cat / usr / local / bin / bitcoin-cli

This command will open the bitcoin-cli wallet configuration file, you will be able to paste the following 2 lines into the corresponding configuration file (you can paste it with CTRL-V, if you are connected with Putty, right click the mouse). With this adaptation we are actually mapping the bitcoin-cli command to the application in our bitcoind_mainnet container, which means we create a shortcut.

#! / usr / bin / env bash
docker run --rm --network container: bitcoind_mainnet -v / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / bitcoind: / data dougvk /

Digital Ocean for extra diskette installation;

#! / usr / bin / env bash
docker -rm --network container: bitcoind_mainnet -v / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / bitcoind: / data dougvk /

Press CTRL + X key combination, you will press Y and Enter keys in order.
We will then shorten the shortcut we created:
chmod + x / usr / local / bin / bitcoin-cli

Auxiliary Commands Blockchain database to view the latest 10 blocks downloaded:
docker logs bitcoind_mainnet --tail "10"

From the date values ​​you can see which date block last downloaded. The download will start from the first years of the blockchain to the current blocks.

Auxiliary Commands We use the following command to display the status of the bitcoin-cli wallet services, some current critical information about the blockchain database.

bitcoin-cli getinfo

Version indicates your application version, the Blocks value is the last block number in your Blockchain database, you can use it to check if you have downloaded the entire database. Testnet = false indicates that you are on a live lightning-network system, the name of the test system is TestNet, and we will determine our commission rates for Fee parts for now.

If the disk size reaches or exceeds 172 GB, we will verify that the last block in the output from the above command has a value of "height", so check with the link below to confirm that we have also downloaded the last block in the blockchain database. Again, the date value indicates the last time the last operation was performed.

To view Blockchain blocks:

For example :

Step 4. If you have completed downloading the blockchain database, you can proceed to the following steps, otherwise you should not start these steps until you are finished.

We will install and configure the Lightnin-CLi service.

mkdir -p / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / clightning
docker run --rm --name lightning --network container: bitcoind_mainnet -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/bitcoind:/root/.bitcoin -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/clightning:/root/.lightning --entrypoint / usr / bin / lightningd cdecker / lightningd: master --network = bitcoin --rgb = 0066cc --alias = NODENAME--ipaddr = NODEIPADRESS --log-level = debug

** It is important to note that the server name does not contain Turkish characters and you must provide your External IP address as an ip address, which you can find out from the panel of your respective host system.

Digital Ocean for extra diskette installation;

mkdir -p / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / clightning
docker run --rm --name lightning --network container: bitcoind_mainnet -v / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / bitcoind: /root/.bitcoin -v / 01-part1 / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / clightning: /root/.lightning-entrypoint/usr/bin/lightningd cdecker / lightningd: master --network = bitcoin --rgb = 0066cc --alias =NODENAME --ipaddr = NODEIPADRESS --log-level = debug

The lightning-cli service is started with the last command and the live trace output will start coming to the screen. I recommend that you keep this screen closed until the setups are over, and you will be able to see your node's movements and what's going on behind the scenes.

Without closing this screen, let's proceed to step 5 by opening a new screen, ie a new SSH \ Console connection.

Step 5. We will create a shortcut to my configuration file (as we did in step 3, bitcoin-cli)

nano / usr / local / bin / lightning-cli

This command will open the lightning-cli configuration file. We will enter the following lines.

#! / usr / bin / env bash
docker run --rm -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/clightning:/root/.lightning --entrypoint / usr / bin / lightning-cli cdecker / lightningd: master "$ @"

Digital Ocean for extra diskette installation;

#! / usr / bin / env bash
docker run --rm -v / mnt / volume-nyc3-01-part1 / scratch / bitcoin / mainnet / clightning: /root/.lightning-entrypoint/usr/bin/lightning-cli cdecker / lightningd: master "$ @ "

Press CTRL + X key combination, you will press Y and Enter keys in order.

We will then authorize the shortcut we created:

chmod + x / usr / local / bin / lightning-cli

Auxiliary Commands lightning-cli You can check the service status with getinfo status.

If there is an abnormality related to the service status, you can try to restart the service with the docker run command line in step 4 by entering the commands lightning-cli stop and lightning-cli start.

Step 6. We have installed and configured both the bitcoin wallet and the lightning-node services. Now we will create a lightning network wallet account. You can create your wallet account with the following command, write your wallet address on the screen that will return to you, make a note of it and do not lose it.

lightning-cli newaddr

Step 7. Now that we have created our Wallet account, we will now need to deposit a certain BTC rate to activate our account and the ligtning-network masternode. 0,003 BTC deposits are sufficient (you will have a charge of 0.004 BTC for a transfer of 0.001). I do not recommend a high investment of 0,005 BTC yet, both the application and the system are very new, we can have troubles and we have no clear information about the future of the technology. So, even if nothing goes well in the future, we must invest a certain amount. We will explain in step 8 that you will increase this number according to the number of connections you make or you can carry out extra transfer again in the future according to your need. If you have a BTC account or a stock exchange (such as BTCTurk, Paribu, Binance..vs) you can use your BTC account to transfer your lightning-network wallet account from step 6 above.

The transfer process will be completed by no more than 1 hour. You can follow the status by entering your wallet account number or transfer transaction code at .

Step 8. Check your wallet BTC balance with the following command:

lightning-cli listfunds

If your BTC look is transferred, we will now connect to other nodes, ie peers. You can make connections with more than one node, but remember that each channel you open to other nodes costs you, and if the node connection is lost, the system returns this cost to you.

In this step I will ask you to connect to my node, for example I will export it via my own node address.

My node 's name is BitFast, the information is as follows.

PubKey 035c5140cc8efafa4fb97b0759de6b24249d716f565eb34dff6eb3ae14b4c5f961
Alias      BitFast
URI      035c5140cc8efafa4fb97b0759de6b24249d716f565eb34dff6eb3ae14b4c5f961@              

We make the onnection with the following command:

lightning-cli connect 035c5140cc8efafa4fb97b0759de6b24249d716f565eb34dff6eb3ae14b4c5f961 9735

We use the following command to turn on the channel we are using, we need a certain amount of BTC transfer to keep the channels active, otherwise the channel will close later. 20,000 satoshi (0.0002 BTC) was enough at the connections I made, no problem.

lightning-cli fundchannel 035c5140cc8efafa4fb97b0759de6b24249d716f565eb34dff6eb3ae14b4c5f961 20000

We are viewing the channel connection status.

lightning-cli listpeers

On the first channel, the channel state will appear as CHANNELD_AWAITING_LOCKIN, and will appear as CHANNELD_NORMAL in the range of half an hour to one hour. You can check the status with the listpeers command above. A CHANNELD_NORMAL means that the connection has been successfully made.

After this step go to and look for your masternode name and you will see your own node on the site.

Step 9. Depending on what you have installed and activated your system, you can now determine how much commission you will receive in transfers to be made in your Masternode. The following command will determine your commission rates. I do not recommend you to enter high numbers. I think 20,000 satoshi is a reasonable number in the first place.

Note: You will not be charged an extra balance for the other masternodes that will be made by you, so the system installer is always channel funded.

bitcoin-cli settxfee 0.002
lightning-cli dev-setfees 20000 10000

The last command sets the detail commission rates for immediate, normal and slow transfer rates.

If you enter the bitcoin-cli getinfo command again, you will see that the Fee values ​​have been updated.

Final Words

We successfully set up our server and lightning network masternode, configured our configurations and activated the node hop on the live network. After that, we will see how the lightning network process will work, how it will become widespread, and how it will provide us with the benefits  I recommend that you check your server status frequently  by using the getinfo and listpeers commands mentioned above.

Since you will be managing your wallet through the server, it is beneficial to backup your wallet files on the server by taking snapshot or diskbackup IN of your server.

If you have problems that you can not solve or find an answer to, If you are looking for a solution on and by opening Github, you can share your problems under the ISSUES tab.

You can also keep track of application updates from these pages.

Below I shared  some possible problems and solutions that you might experience, and I hope that it has been a useful article for you. If you have any questions do not hesitate to share.

Questions and Issues

1 -      How do I manage my Lightning-network wallet account; Can I manage with any external blockchain wallet application? What should I do if I win BTC from the commissions?

There are no questions such as how do we learn the private key of the lightning-network wallet account we have created for now, and export it through the wallet.dat file. But we should know that for now we have to follow the lightning-cli listfunds command by connecting to our server sometime in our server and if there is a balance from the commissions, we can transfer our blockchain wallet or stock market BTC wallet account with the following command:
lightning-cli withdraw Amount (in Satoshi)
2- I have a problem that I can not compensate for my server or my lightning-network application, how do I access my wallet account?
As I answered in the first question, since there is no private key sign, the only way is to remove this system in some way and access it through the system. Therefore, I recommend that you take the backup of the above installation system (virtual server) or most simply the folder containing your wallet files. You can do this by taking snapshots or disk backups, you can backup your wallet files with your WinSCP-like application to your server and back to your local machine from time to time. Remember that snapshot and disk backup operations are a cost in server hosting systems.
3-   What should I do if the Bitcoin blockchain database is corrupted?

Downloading it again is a solution, but 172 gb download is a serious load time, first of all you have to try the reindex function offered by bitcoin application. It's a very quick and easy solution.
4-   Bitcoin-cli getinfo command or lightning-cli getinfo command gives an error What should I do?

It's a good idea to enter the lightning-cli stop and lightning-cli start commands and restart the service with the docker run command line in step 4. Otherwise you should check the docker container services and try to restart the container via container id.
5-       "Error response from daemon: can not join network of a non-running container" What is the solution of the error?

You can get this error if a server restart is possible; Try the steps in the answer to the fourth question, if the problem persists, try sudo docker start bitcoind_mainnet.
6-    What should I do in case of ONCHAIND_THEIR_UNILATERAL State in my channel connections lightning-cli listpeers command?

If your server changes the ip address or somehow changes the ip address, you can get this error in the case of previously established connections, unfortunately there is no solution. You can try repeating the steps in the answer to the fourth question and experimenting with the ListPeers command intermittently, developers say they can automatically fix such situations when there is a 140-block progress, but there is no clear answer. Self-healing is a possibility, but it is useful to create new connections with different nodes. The balance you created for this connection will unfortunately not be returned unless it is corrected. If your server IP has changed, be sure to follow the steps in the answer to question 9 below.
7 -      How do I remove an existing channel connection?

You can remove lightning-cli close with the command you want to remove, and you can get a refund that you've spent on this connection before.

8-      What should I do if I need to shut down or restart my server?

You must stop the services by first giving the commands lightning-cli stop and bitcoin-cli stop and then shutdown or reboot.
When you restart it, check the status with the commands bitcoin-cli getinfo and lightning-cli getinfo and repeat the steps in the answer to the fourth question if there is an anomaly.

9- Can I change the Master node Name or IP address?

With the docker run command in the fourth step, you can change the current name or ip address information. If you have active links before the change, read the answer to 6. Problem.

10 -   Can I use Unicode or emoji characters in the server name?

You seem to be able to use it by giving relevant Unicode values, but I do not recommend it.
11- Blockchain database synchronization process can not be completed, what should I do?

Repeat the steps in the answer to the fourth question.
12- I am getting the error "lightning-cli" in the installation steps "Unable to find image 'cdecker / lightningd: master' locally docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for cdecker / lightningd: master not found"

  In commands starting with   docker run --rm --name  , try updating cdecker  / lightningd: master to cdecker / lightningd: latest.

13- Node was working properly but nobody started to connect to me and I started getting lightning-cli command "lightning-cli: Connecting to 'lightning-rpc': Connection refused".

    Repeat the steps in question 12. for example: docker run --rm --name lightning --network container: bitcoind_mainnet -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/bitcoind:/root/.bitcoin -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/clightning:/root/.lightning - -entrypoint / usr / bin / lightningd cdecker / lightningd: latest --network = bitcoin --rgb = 0066cc --alias = Bitfast --ipaddr = --log-level = debug

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