The Red Death from Hungary; Chernobyl Again ?

On October 4th 2010, the pond dam of an alumina plant to the west of Hungary suddenly broke and flooded many towns in toxic red sludge. Here we are talking about 600,000 - 700,000 m3 of sludge. It effected lots of zones around and injured a lot of civilians, harmed the roads, buildings..etc. 
About 120 people in which six people were seriously injured were treated by medical staff. Most of them suffered from burns on the skin and eyes. As the disaster agency in Hungary reported, 390 residents were relocated and 110 people were rescued from flooded towns. Many rescue efforts have been made to help residents get over the disaster. Forty soldiers along with army vehicles joined in the rescue services. The cause of the incident has been investigated.

 The toxic sludge keeps moving
The deadly toxic sludge keeps walking through the Tuna River ( aka Danubne River) already it has totally killed the nature of Danubne River. And finally ! The Hungarian government has declared a state of emergency after a million cubic feet's worth of toxic red sludge spilled out of a ruptured waste reservoir at an aluminum plant 100 miles southwest of Budapest. Green Peace says the toxic mud is more dangerous than thought. It has high levels of arsenic, deadly dangerous chemical materials and carcinogenic effects. Especially, Balcans and all Europea are in a serious danger.
Over 100 people were injured, mainly by burns on the skin and eyes

Both Hungarian goverment and European Union, acted so late to fight against this environmental disaster. The toxic sludge moving  towards the Black Sea. If it can reach, the situation will be more serious, already all Europea is going to pay for this disaster in short and long terms.  This disaster remembered me of Chernobyl disaster (You will see some posts about Chernobyl in my blog, soon.), I hope we do not get the same results. Although humanity has faced lots of serious disasters, we have never gone better about saving the nature and keeping our lands clean.
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