Home 'sweet' home !

Finally, the day has come and I completed my military duty on May, 17, 2011. Since December, 12, 2010 I was at army, in Istanbul. For 6 months I served the Turkish Armed Forces as Artillery Surgeant in Istanbul base of Land Forces Command. After a tiring period, finally I am happy to have completed the military service and came back to the house..

The Military Duty in Turkey ; Pulsory military service applies to all male citizens from twenty to forty-one years of age (with some exceptions). Those who are engaged in higher education or vocational training programs prior to their military drafting are allowed to delay service until they have completed the programs, or reach a certain age, depending on the program (e.g. 29 years of age for undergraduate degrees). The duration of the basic military service varies. As of July 2003, the reduced durations are as follows: fifteen months for privates (previously eighteen months), twelve months for reserve officers (previously sixteen months) and six months for short-term privates, which denotes those who have earned a university degree and have not been enlisted as reserve officers (previously eight months).

All I can say is that it is just great to be a free, civil person again. Nowadays I am busy with enjoying the free life, there are lots of things to be told about army experiences but for now I am just resting. I hope I will keep sharing my posts soon again.

A memory from army days
* i m the one in the middle :) 

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